Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
Your aortic valve opens to allow oxygen-rich blood to leave your heart and flow through your body. When the aortic valve becomes narrowed or stiff (known as aortic stenosis), you need a replacement valve.
Many people with aortic stenosis are eligible for a minimally invasive approach called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). In TAVR, doctors use a thin tube (catheter) to replace the damaged aortic valve. TAVR has a shorter recovery time than open-heart surgery, the traditional method of valve replacement surgery.
Leading New Jersey TAVR Team
Englewood Health has one of New Jersey’s most experienced TAVR programs, performing nearly 1,200 procedures since 2011. Our large volume of successful TAVR cases means we have the expertise to offer you the highest level of care.
In 2022, Englewood Health was recognized by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) with the Transcatheter Valve Certification. This mark of distinction reflects the accomplishments of the Structural Heart and Valve Program at Englewood Health in treating patients with valve disease such as aortic stenosis using innovative, minimally invasive procedures. Englewood Health is the first hospital in Bergen County, and among just three in the state and 70 in the country, to earn this honor.
In 2022, Englewood Health was recognized by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) with the Transcatheter Valve Certification. This mark of distinction reflects the accomplishments of the Structural Heart and Valve Program at Englewood Health in treating patients with valve disease such as aortic stenosis using innovative, minimally invasive procedures. Englewood Health is the first hospital in Bergen County, and among just three in the state and 70 in the country, to earn this honor.
Our nationally renowned and skilled TAVR team members include cardiac imaging specialists, interventional cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and other specialists. Together, they’ll review your situation to find the best procedure for you.
It’s not just our advanced training and skills that make the difference: We truly bring a patient-first mindset to our practice and believe that’s what results in the best care for you.
It takes 10 seconds to put in that new valve. Ten years ago, that was a dream. And compared to prior treatment options for aortic stenosis, TAVR is much less invasive, the recovery is much quicker and the patient generally goes home the next day.
Dr. Richard Goldweit, Chief of Interventional Cardiology
Am I a Candidate for TAVR?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved new indications for TAVR, meaning more people are now candidates for this procedure. With FDA approval expanding to low-risk patients, the heart team at Englewood Hospital can take into account your preferences in addition to risk factors and other considerations when reviewing treatment options. Speak with your doctor or contact us to find out whether you’re eligible.
What to Expect During the TAVR Procedure
You’ll receive thorough guidelines on what to expect during your TAVR procedure. A typical procedure follows these steps:
- Pain management and IV medications: You receive sedation or general anesthesia. Our team will also give you medication through an intravenous line to prevent blood clots.
- Incision: We make a small incision, usually in the groin. Some patients may require an incision in the chest or shoulder.
- Catheter insertion: We insert a short tube (sheath) into the incision, then insert a long tube (catheter) through the sheath into your artery. Your doctor uses X-ray and ultrasound imaging to move the catheter to reach your aortic valve.
- Valve insertion: Your new valve is compressed on a balloon to make it small enough to fit through the sheath. Your doctor guides the new valve forward to your narrowed valve.
- Valve placement: We expand the new valve, pushing the flaps, or leaflets, of your damaged valve aside. The frame of the new valve is very strong, and it uses the leaflets of your old valve to secure it in place.
- Valve and sheath removal: We remove the valve delivery device. Your doctor ensures that your new valve is working properly before removing the sheath and closing the incision.
- Recovery: You’ll spend the night in the hospital for monitoring. Depending on your situation, you most likely will return home the next day. Your doctor will prescribe blood-thinning medications to prevent clots. We’ll support you during recovery with regular follow-up appointments.
TAVR Team Members
Adam Arnofsky, MD
Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery | Full profile
Michael Benz, MD
Interventional Cardiologist | Full profile
Joseph De Gregorio, MD
Executive Director of Cardiovascular Services | Full profile
Denise Goldstein, APN
Valve Clinic Coordinator | Full profile
Richard Goldweit, MD
Chief of Interventional Cardiology | Full profile
Omar Hasan, MD
Interventional Cardiologist | Full profile
Ramin Hastings, MD
Medical Director, Structural Heart Program | Full profile
Raena Kidangan, APN
Advanced Practice Nurse, Cardiothoracic Surgery | Full profile
Molly Schultheis, MD
Cardiothoracic Surgeon | Full profile
Aron Schwarcz, MD
Interventional Cardiologist | Full profile
Cara Sullivan, APN
Advanced Practice Nurse, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Hartaj Virk, MD
Interventional Cardiologist | Full profile
Michael Wilderman, MD
Vascular Surgeon | Full profile