May 5, 2014 – Englewood Hospital and Medical Center (EHMC) recently observed Volunteer Week, celebrating the 600+ volunteers, who contributed 72,000 hours of service in 2013. The Medical Center showed its appreciation for their selfless dedication, compassion and hard work during a special awards ceremony and luncheon.
Eight Junior Volunteers were selected to receive scholarships in recognition of their service, which often took place weekdays after class, during designated school breaks, and on weekends. The recipients are seniors in high school and contributed a combined total of 4,327 volunteer hours to the Medical Center.
“EHMC’s Junior Volunteer Program is an invaluable experience, allowing students to explore possible future careers in the healthcare industry,” said Vindra Marsoubian, Program Coordinator at EHMC. “This program would not be possible without support from departmental staff, physicians and nurses who have provided students with insight and exposure in a variety of capacities.”